作者:中國咖啡交易網 來源:咖啡豆: 咖啡知識 > 2025-03-15 03:06:04
Bringing a bigger latte into the office could be the key to your next promotion - at least so says one workplace expert.
Andrew O'Connell, a columnist with the Harvard Business Review, says an emerging body of social science confirms the age-old mantra that the key to climbing to ladder is projecting the image of success - i.e. “dress for the job you want, not the job you've got.”
One study in particular suggests that humans tend to associate bigger food portions to success - just like they buy a bigger house and a bigger TV. Thus, O'Connell claims ordering a bigger coffee, a larger smoothie or even a bigger pizza at the office could signal to co-workers and bosses that you're ready to move up in the world.
In a 2011 study by a researcher at HEC Paris, witnesses ranked people who were seen choosing larger food items two points higher on a 1-to-7 power and respect scale than those who picked out smaller things to eat and drink. The study doesn't match exactly to O'Connell's thesis - researcher David Dubois was studying how to reduce obesity in poor populations. However, O'Connell says it meshes well with the concept that employees who want to be successful should surround themselves with the trappings of success.
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2014-10-25 16:14:32 責任編輯:中國咖啡交易網
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