
作者:未知 來源:手衝咖啡: 精品咖啡豆 > 巴拿馬咖啡豆 > 2024-10-05 21:18:10

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芭比朵莊園咖啡(Bambito Estate Coffee )成立於1945年,在2006年的巴拿馬最佳咖啡比賽(BOP)中榮獲第二名。這片
The geographical environment of Panama means that there are many unique microclimate in the coffee producing areas in China. Many of them are very capable and committed to coffee producers. Therefore, there are many excellent coffee brands, which are relatively expensive.
The high price of coffee, on the one hand, comes from another important factor: real estate. Many people in North America are in the hope that this political stability, beautiful scenery and the price is relatively cheap to buy the country, so the land demand is extremely high, many of the past as a coffee plantation land, now become alien homes. Panama also has high standards on labor security bills, and coffee harvester pay is higher, and these costs are transferred to consumers.
◆ 巴拿馬Banama|巴拿馬·波奎特
翡翠莊園    /Hacienda La Esmeralda/
談及咖啡價格,巴拿馬的一座咖啡園絕對不能不提。世界上應該沒有哪個莊園能像翡翠莊園(Hacienda La Esmeralda)這樣對中美洲咖啡產業有如此重大的影響。此莊園由彼得森(Peterson)家族所有。
Talk about the price of coffee in a coffee garden in Panama. No manor in the world can have such a significant impact on the coffee industry in Central America, like Hacienda La Esmeralda. This manor is owned by the family of Pedersen.
◆ 巴拿馬Banama|翡翠莊園
過去在國際商業咖啡價格偏低時,巴拿馬精品咖啡協會便舉行了一個名爲“最佳巴拿馬咖啡”(Best of Panama)的競賽:來自巴拿馬境內不同咖啡園最優異的咖啡豆依據評比排名,接着上網接受競標。
In the past the international coffee trade price is low, Panama Specialty Coffee Association held a "best Panama coffee" (Best of Panama) competition from the territory of Panama the most excellent coffee garden coffee beans on the basis of different rank, then accept online bidding.
Emerald manor many years ago will have a unique name for the summer rose varieties, join the competition, their coffee began to be recognized the vast number of customers. 2004——2007 won the awards for four years in a row, and then won the competition on a single item in 2009, 2010, and 2013. From the beginning, the manor coffee broke the record: $21 per pound in 2004 and up to $170 per pound in 2010. A small batch of sunburn coffee in the garden is sold to $350.25 a pound in 2013, and is undoubtedly the most expensive manor coffee in the world.
◆ 巴拿馬Banama|翡翠莊園咖啡農
Unlike other super expensive coffee (as a result of speculation boom novelty cat feces coffee, or part of Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee), a coffee plantation to get high quality coffee causes is really high, of course, demand and excellent marketing strategy is also an important reason. The coffee variety that breaks many records is quite special. Its fragrance is rich with citrus, but it is quite refreshing. Its thickness is thick with tea, which is the uniqueness of this variety.
From Panama and other countries in the Americas began planting rose in summer it is not difficult to see the effect of the manor. For many producers, summer rose varieties seem to be high price guarantee; from the summer rose mostly than other varieties to sell a higher price situation, perhaps this is not wrong.
◆ 巴拿馬Banama|日曬咖啡
產銷履歷    /Product sales resume/



2018-10-07 22:38:54 責任編輯:未知




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